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Do you have an interest you’d like to share or something you’d like to find out more about? We are always looking for more writers and illustrators!

If you have any thoughts, ideas or contributions, contact Miss Richer:

Alternatively, you could send it to one of our editors:

In search of inspiration? Join the Cherwell Journal Google Classroom for ideas, guides and templates.

In the meantime, you might enjoy some of these resources:

Oxplore‘The Home of Big Questions’, the interactive site debates big ideas beyond the classroom and across subject areas, drawing on research at Oxford to promote critical thinking and curiosity.
BBC FutureArticles, analysis, stories and original thinking, challenging perspectives and asking important questions on a host of topics and key current global issues.
TED-ed‘Ideas Worth Spreading’, TED talks are short, engaging videos sharing deep knowledge and social engagement.
Things We Don’t KnowA set of resources based around explaining the questions to which science (and the social sciences) still seeks answers.
Zooniverse‘People-powered research’, a mass-participation research hub to learn, collate data and answer real-time ‘live’ questions. Projects range from tracking objects in space, monitoring natural activity in gardens, scouring historical records and writing transcripts.
30 Animals That Made Us SmarterA podcast on biomimetics, combining biology, technology and engineering through research and its practical applications.

Any questions? Send us a message.